Vintage Mr. and Mrs. silverware from Etsy's Beach House Living Shop!!!!
I just think they are perfectly vintage, and perfectly me. I love them... and I probably will be buying them... in fact, the more I keep writing the more I definitely am going to buy them!! hehe :-)
I've been dying to buy stuff for the wedding, it just seems so far away that I shouldn't. I plan to show you something that I did buy for it in Monday's post... so these forks will most likely be the next purchase for the Yaskovic/Coleman Wedding!!! :-)
Yup... doing it!! hahaha... thank you for helping me decide... and rest assured, these forks will be living Happily Ever After with the new Coleman's for many years!!!
Your Bizzy Bride!
Make sure the caterers don't take them from you. You will he so overwhelmed you don't want to be worried about forks! They are cute though, so buy for home!